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Public/Private Partnerships

Public/Private Partnerships


At ULTRAte, we have a proven track record in managing complicated, expensive and risky P3 projects. The ability to strategically bring together decision-making leaders from multiple sectors (public, private, civic) to work cooperatively to achieve shared goals is invaluable, and can be the difference between leveraging your investment, reducing your risk, and gaining committed partners; and going it alone, assuming all risk, and shouldering all of the costs.  We have experience in doing this on major public infrastructure projects in the public right of way (streets, sidewalks, waterways, drainage, water, parking, etc.).  Most P3 projects begin with a creative idea on how to solve a complex problem that alone might appear to be impossible, economically or logistically infeasible, or simply not work the risk.  We will support you in:

•    Crafting and negotiating creative and unconventional real property land exchanges, right-of-way access, public and private easements and shared use/operating agreements

•    Developing and managing partnerships on public infrastructure projects both within the public right-of way and on private property (public waterways, water and sewer systems, streets, sidewalks and drainage, etc.)

•    Designing and negotiating creative parking solutions

•    Managing subsurface environmental remediation

•    Negotiating and earning neighborhood level and broad community support for projects related to land use, zoning, development code amendments