Your Vision ⚡️ Realized!

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Your SA2020: Ensure that your investments in San Antonio pay real dividends

Fellow San Antonians, what is the one thing that you personally want to influence the most in our city?  I am asking about the one thing that the combined energy from your volunteerism, philanthropy and voice would go into action to make a tangible community impact.  Would it be education, neighborhoods, environmental sustainability, arts and culture?

 For example, my family has chosen health and fitness as the area we are most passionate about.  We chose that cause because we understand how great a city is with a culture of fitness, and how that can add up to a much greater opportunity for San Antonio’s young and young-at-heart to fulfill their potential and promise.

 SA2020 want’s your efforts in service to our city to add up to a real impact within the area of your greatest passion for San Antonio.  To increase your impact, we ask you to consider investing yourself in your community with the same focus, discipline, and expectations for a return on investment that that you would use to invest your hard earned money in the financial marketplace.  The return on your community investment will, of course, not be measured in dollars, but rather by the number of graduating high school seniors who are academically prepared for success in college and beyond; the diversity of energy sources used to power our homes and businesses into the future; the reduction in homelessness in our city. Or your efforts may be measured by any of the other 60 plus measures of success that you and over 6,000 of your fellow San Antonians established when you created the SA2020 vision for our city in 2010.



Here are SA2020’s 11 key causes that the community has identified as fundamental:

  •  ·         Arts & Culture
  • ·         Community Safety
  • ·         Downtown Development
  • ·         Economic Competitiveness
  • ·         Education
  • ·         Family Well-Being
  • ·         Government Accountability & Civic Engagement
  • ·         Health & Fitness
  • ·         Natural Resources & Environmental Sustainability
  • ·         Neighborhoods & Growth Management
  • ·         Transportation

 For my family, with almost every investment of money, time, or energy we make in service to our community, we do it with the expectation that it will reduce the rate of diabetes or the obesity rate among school age children or adults in San Antonio.  That is our expected return, and we focus this way because we want San Antonians to be among the healthiest of all Americans.

 Once you have declared the area that you are most passionate about influencing, I invite you to consider joining my family and the over 1,400 other San Antonians who, through SA2020, are directly investing themselves with a plan to generate big returns for San Antonio in the year 2020.  Visit and let us help you get connected today!

Originally posted April 22, 2013

Darryl Byrd1 Comment