Onboarding, which involves the setting of clear organizational and personal expectations, the establishment of strong CEO/Board communication flow, meaningful CEO acculturation, and the design of sound processes for CEO evaluation, are all essential activities that the board must dedicate substantial bandwidth to in the CEO’s early days.
When things get done with a bigger picture in mind, pretty special things can happen. For any project or initiative that requires support from a public entity, neighborhood stakeholders, or the general pubic, following a model of true partnership and shared bigger picture outcomes is essential.
Like many cities of all sizes across America, our home of San Antonio is engaged in an effort to prepare for the future. Here in the Alamo City, we know that we can expect to welcome over one million new neighbors before the year 2040.
Last week, America’s top doc, US Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy, launched Step It UP! - a welcome call to action promoting walking and walkable communities. Step It Up! calls for “improved access to safe and convenient places to walk and wheelchair roll, and encourages creating a culture that supports these activities for people of all ages and abilities” says Dr. Murthy
Why more companies are choosing to call downtown - the heart of the American city - home again
How are you parked? Public parks are a key ingredient to a city's rich quality of life. The Trust for Public Land takes a look at how America's largest cities stack up on public parks.
The extent to which we pay attention and demand design excellence in public projects helps determine if we make or keep an emotional city
Among the most common barriers to talent retention and the expansion of organizational bandwidth is the inability of CEOs and managers to defeat the micromanagement dragon. The dragon is the enemy of talent attraction and retention, great corporate culture, professional growth and innovation. Its fiery breath destroys confidence, trust and empowerment and it must be tamed!